Additional licenses may be purchased using the Facilitys discounted rate.
We are a hospital, therefore we only qualify for the healthcare/non-profit discount. FlowJo is an important data analysis software program for analyzing flow. This difference is because UC qualifies for the educational discount whereas Children’s Hospital does not. Although Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is affiliated with UC, we are not a degree granting institution.

There is a difference in the price of software purchased from Biomedical Informatics at Children’s Hospital versus from the UC Bookstore. Flojos actually is the Spanish slang word for being lazy or kicking back.

A license number will run FlowJo on one, and only one, computer.
It acts like a mobile serial number for FlowJo, allowing users to run FlowJo on any number of computers (one at a time). A dongle is a small security device that plugs into your computer. A dude in a hammock, having a siesta in the tropics, wearing a pair of Flojos up against a setting sun. Depending on what type of user depends on what type of license to buy. Matt Piotrowski, Joe Polastre, Mike Priscott, Xin Qi, Venu Ramasubra- manian, Aditya Rao, David Richardson, Brian Sabino, Rachit Siamwalla, Se- bastian. Since Children’s Hospital is a separate entity from UC, installing software purchased from UC on CCHMC owned computers is a violation of that license agreement. Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, we’ve been making footwear since 72. CS data mining assembly data structure scheme flex chain algorithm cache computational biology compiler arm. However, when purchasing from UC, the license agreement states that the software can be installed only on your personally owned or UC-owned computer and not on machines owned by other institutions. Please make sure you read the license agreement carefully before you use UC software.įaculty and students of UC are eligible to purchase software from UC. International/Domestic Sales Consultant and Account Manager, Product Support (Technical/ Purchasing). Although you can purchase a dongle for using FlowJo, most institutions now utilize FlowJo’s licensing. Like many other software platforms in science, it is constantly getting updates to grow along with the field. FlowJo is one of the most popular platforms to analyze flow cytometry data.

The Software Store integrates with PantherExpress, the Universitys. Authorization for the purchase of a FlowJo seat license.
Whether you’re explaining why the sky is blue, teaching them how to deal with bullies, or laughing so hard they snort a little. University departments can purchase software through a convenient, easy-to-use online store. In many cases this software is licensed specifically to UC employees only (i.e., people who receive paychecks from UC) or must be run on UC-owned or controlled equipment, making it inaccessible to Cincinnati Children's personnel. Director of Commercial Operations at FlowJo, LLC. There’s no better feeling as a dad than when your kids look at you like you’re their hero. UC researchers are served with desktop software by UCIT.